Admission, retention and removal, Subch. IV of ch. DHS 134
Capital expenditure review, Ch. DHS 122
General, Subch. I of ch. DHS 134
Life Safety, design and construction, Subch. VII of ch. DHS 134
Management, Subch. III of ch. DHS 134
Physical environment, DHS 134.71, 134.72
Residents' rights and protections, Subch. II of ch. DHS 134
Services, Subch. V of ch. DHS 134
Treatment records, confidentiality, Ch. DHS 92
dietetics and dietitians DIETETICS AND DIETITIANS
Applications and credentials, Ch. DI 2
Authority and definitions, Ch. DI 1
Certification, Ch. DI 4
Conduct, Ch. DI 5
Examinations, Ch. DI 3
director of courts DIRECTOR OF COURTS
Forms for patient compensation panels, Ch. DC 1
disabled persons DISABLED PERSONS
discrimination DISCRIMINATION
Banking transactions, DFI-WCA 1.85
Employment, equal opportunities, Ch. DWD 218
Housing, Ch. DWD 220
Insurance, Ins 6.55, 6.67 and Ins 6.68
Insurance coverage; prohibited classifications, Ins 6.54
Lending, savings and loan, Ch. DFI-SL 8
Public accommodations, Ch. DWD 221
Public school pupils, Ch. PI 9
Veterans benefits, VA 1.13
disease, communicable DISEASE, COMMUNICABLE
dogs DOGS
Dog sellers and facilities operators, Ch. ATCP 16
In state parks and forests, NR 45.06
Racing, See Racing
Trials and training, Ch. NR 17
driver education DRIVER EDUCATION
High school programs, approval, PI 21.04
Schools and instructors, licensing, Ch. Trans 105
Teaching, license requirements, PI 34.080
driver_s licenses DRIVER'S LICENSES
Commercial operators, Chs. Trans 115 to 119
Copying a license, Trans 102.205
Examination procedures, Ch. Trans 104
Farm service commercial driver licenses, Trans 102.20
Graduated driver license requirements and waivers, Trans 104.055
Graduated driver license restriction extensions, Trans 101.10
Medical standards, Ch. Trans 112
Military vehicle operator CDL exemption, Trans 102.23
Minor, sponsorship by adults, Trans 102.01
Moped and motor bicycle instruction permits, Trans 102.19
Operator's license and identification cards, Ch. Trans 102
Photograph requirements, exemptions, Trans 102.03, 102.09, 102.10
Revocations and suspensions, Ch. Trans 101
driveways DRIVEWAYS
Permits for driveways and alterations in state trunk highways:
Rural, Trans 231.04
Urban, Trans 231.06
General, Trans 231.01
Location, design, construction, Trans 231.03
Rural, Trans 231.05
Urban, Trans 231.07
Permit requirements, Trans 231.02
drug abuse DRUG ABUSE
drug stores DRUG STORES
drugs DRUGS
Controlled substances, Ch. CSB 2
Dispensing by dentists, DE 5.02
Dispensing, standards for physicians, Ch. Med 17
Manufacturer and distributor requirements, Chs. Phar 12, 13
Pharmacists, see Pharmacists and Pharmacies
Special use authorization, Ch. CSB 3
Third-party logistics providers, Ch. Phar 18
dwelling code DWELLING CODE
economic support ECONOMIC SUPPORT
Child support, paternity establishment, Ch. DCF 102
Emergency assistance, needy children, Ch. DCF 120
Tribal medical relief programs, Ch. DHS 250
Wisconsin works, see Wisconsin Works (W-2)
education, k_12 EDUCATION, K-12
education, adult EDUCATION, ADULT